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Seamly A.I.

There is nothing more frustrating than repetitive tasks, inefficient processes and manual searching of call logs. It's actually quite simple: agents want to be able to fully focus on the customer they are talking to. Seamly A.I. makes this possible by automating time-consuming processes and increasing efficiency.


Overwhelmed by data and information

Employees are faced with an abundance of information. When transferring from a chatbot to a conversation with a live agent, to give an example. During this transfer, complete conversation histories are displayed, which is often too much to go through quickly. 

Every time an agent has to look up important information in a call log or manually enter contact reasons, your business loses valuable time.

Customers also feel misunderstood and get frustrated when they have to wait during the transition from a chatbot to a live chat. Delays pile up, resulting in longer wait times for other customers.


Automatic summaries for faster handover

Seamly A.I. reduces agent stress and ensures satisfied customers. How? By creating automatic summaries of conversations. We do this not only at the transition from chatbot to agent, but also after completing the entire conversation. 

Agents no longer have to plough through extensive chat histories. With a clear and concise summary, they immediately have the essence of the conversation at hand, allowing them to respond faster and in a more focused way.


What are the advantages of Seamly A.I.?

Time savings: Agents have quick access to the most important information.

Better continuity: Conversations continue without delay.

Customizable summaries: We create a call summary based on a predefined and personalized prompt.

We summarize all calls: including telephone calls.

Automation of contact reasons

Do agents give contact reasons after talking to your customers? If so, it's no surprise that this is error-prone work. Agents need to move on to the next chat, and therefore do not always document accurately.

Seamly A.I. automates the classification of contact reasons. Besides summarizing the entire conversation, we also derive a contact reason from the conversation. 

The advantage? Accurate documentation because there are no more missed or incorrect contact reasons. And, of course, time gained for agents: they need to perform less manual work and have more focus on the conversation itself.


Emotion detection for empathetic customer contact

In a chatbot or voicebot conversation, Seamly A.I. also detects a customer's emotional state and shares this information with the agent. Agents can therefore adjust their tone and approach.

What about agents who have already had some difficult conversations? Relieve them by dividing the workload among other agents. Or redirect certain customers to agents specifically trained in difficult conversations.


Data normalization for complex data

Besides summarizing and emotion detection, it is possible to normalize data with Seamly A.I.

Data such as postal codes and license plates are usually not passed consistently to an agent. Where one customer pronounces their postal code as 1234 Albert Bernard, another customer says 1234AB.

Seamly A.I. converts this data into a consistent and usable format to avoid data entry errors. 

Smarter customer service for better results

In short, Seamly A.I. automates and optimizes essential processes within customer service. By automating routine tasks, summarizing conversations, and integrating empathy into customer interactions, you'll get happy customers and productive employees.

Contact us today for a free demo and find out what Seamly A.I. can do for your business.

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